Small Business Website: Why you want a website for your small business marketing

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Simple Website Service

| Updated May 18, 2023

The business world is a tough place – the cash flow droughts, the flood of problems, the quakes of customer mishaps and the wildfires that ravage through the competitive landscape. If you can successfully navigate the storms and the rugged terrain, and still come out on top, you can pat yourself on the back. It’s not easy starting and running a small business. One element that can make things easier is the digital world and having a small business website for your small business marketing. The rise of the digital space has brought with it much sun after the storm. Let’s dive into it and find out more… 

What is the Digital World and what does it mean to small businesses?

The birth of the internet, social media and email technologies brought about the digital world. There are currently 5.18 billion internet users around the world. 4.80 billion people use social media worldwide (which is half of the world’s population) and as of 2021, it was estimated that 4.17 billion people used email worldwide. These are quite big numbers and as a business owner you can’t help but think about the market it creates. Along with that, you can’t help but wonder about accessibility to a market this size. 

The Digital World means a few things to small business owners in terms of small business marketing.  Firstly, accessibility to a much larger market than ever before. Secondly, ease of access to that market.  Thirdly, the cost of accessing that market. 

You can call it a revolution, you can call it human advancement, you can call it whatever you want, but you most definitely want to be riding the digital wave, with an intact digital marketing strategy, and reaping its enormous benefits as a small business owner. 

What is the Digital World and what does it mean to small businesses

The past and how it’s all changed

Traditionally, marketing your small business was an expensive task. Billboards, magazine adverts and TV adverts completely out priced small business. The Digital World has changed all of this. As a small business owner you can have a website, advertise on social media and email your market with a digital marketing strategy at a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. 

The benefits defined

  • Market size – A much wider audience.
  • Accessibility – Easier to reach your market.
  • Costs – All of this at a much lower cost.

Where do websites fit in for small business?

In a small business marketing strategy a website is to your business like the front door is to your home.  Your small businesses digital world revolves around your website. That’s where your customers can go to find anything they need when it comes to your small business.  If they need to contact you, or even find you, all it takes is a quick check online.  In digital marketing strategy, generally your email and social media efforts all direct traffic to your website. It’s your homebase in the digital world.  A digital marketing strategy uses different channels like social media to drive traffic onto your website, or you can see it as using the different digital channels to promote your website.

How does a small business website benefit small businesses?

Your small business website acts as a physical location, but online.  It has the same address all the time, so your customers can easily find you if they need to.  They can also discover you through search engines like Google.  A search engine is defined as an indexing system that finds information on the internet. Through a process of firstly, crawling; secondly, indexing; finally, searching and ranking, search engines put your business right where you want it to be.  In front of a potential customer who is searching for your product.  What’s not to love?

The benefits of a small business website defined

  • Being discovered by new customers.
  • Being accessible to past or existing customers.
  • We are in the digital age, if you don’t have a website you seem old-fashioned and not current. 
  • A website gives your business credibility. 
  • A website builds relationships with your customers.
  • It is excellent for brand building.
41% of small business owners say they don’t think a website is important and only 46% of small businesses have a website.  This means that small business owners are unaware of the benefits.
The benefits of a small business website

So, what's the catch with a small business website?

Even though the digital world comes at a much lower cost for your small business marketing, there is still a cost.  And even though the internet seems to run like a well oiled machine, technical problems are still a dime a dozen. Often, as a website is such an integral part of a businesses digital marketing strategy and it takes technical gurus to create one, they can be an expensive part of your plan.   They can often go down due to technical problems so need constant management. 

The nitty gritty of a small business website

The average cost of a small business website is between $2000-$9000 for website design and up to $1200 annually for maintenance. There is of course a lot more that goes into it apart from the design and maintenance, like SEO plug ins, integrations etc. This all depends on your needs and requirements. It can also be a very complex technical process, you need a domain name, cyber security and of course, the website has to look great to attract customers.

The solution to leverage the digital world with a small business website

We have been creating websites successfully for a long time and have found a solution for small businesses.  We love creating websites and were once a small business ourselves, so we developed a website building protocol to make the process easy for small businesses. The concept revolves around simplicity and ease of use for the small business owner, as well as affordability. 

“Our mission is to provide peace of mind to ALL of our clients by taking care of everything involved in creating and maintaining their small business websites.”

Our objective is to make the process cost-effective and stress-free. We offer a small business website for $999 once off, and $99 per month for ongoing maintenance.  This is of great value and we pride ourselves on how simple we make the website building process for the small business owner, as well as how great our websites look.

Book a free consultation to take advantage of all this for your small business marketing, why not?

Simple Website Service is Turn-Key

Our turn-key approach to website design, launch, hosting, backup, and maintenance takes away all of the burdens that come with creating and maintaining a top-quality website. Our team is always available and ready to assist in any way necessary to ensure that our clients have a website that reflects their brand and attracts potential customers.

In short, we designed Simple Website Service to take away all of the burden of website design, launch, hosting, backup and maintenance.

We’re Always a Phone Call Away

We know that the problems our customers face are common. Outdated and not user-friendly websites that do not display properly on many devices can make it almost impossible to attract and retain clients. With Simple Website Service, these concerns are a thing of the past. Our completely turn-key service offers endless possibilities. Our team is always available to assist with all things related to your website, no matter what. We are always a phone call away. 

Simple Website Service provides a sense of ease and comfort to our clients, letting them know that getting a great website does not have to be difficult or expensive. Our approach removes any fear of change, a common concern for business owners who have either had a bad experience in the past or don’t know where to start.

Simple Website Service has the potential to transform your business’s online presence. We are fully committed to providing a transformational impact on our clients’ businesses, giving them an edge in today’s competitive market. So, if you’re a small business owner looking for a hassle-free website builder with professional support, look no further than Simple Website Service.

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Simple Website Service

Simple Website Service is an affordable, turn-key, custom professional website service for small business owners. Our website design solution comes with full ongoing support for updates, maintenance, security and backup. Our customers speak with a REAL person. With over 100 customers, our singular focus allows us to keep costs down for our customers. Small business websites are ALL we do. For over 17 years, we've listened to our customers - small business owners who need help creating professional websites that truly represent their brand. But, traditional options are expensive and time consuming while templated do-it-yourself solutions fail to capture the essence of what makes their businesses unique. That's why we created Simple Website Service for small business owners who don't have the time to wade through the complexities of a web project.

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